Sunday, October 21, 2007

Isaac and his Bible

Isaac is changing rapidly these days. He is more interested in quiet activities like looking at books and pretending to read them, playing computer games on the internet, putting puzzles together, etc. He started preschool this fall and even though I have to encourage him to get ready for school in the morning, he does really well and has a great time when he is there. He comes home with all sorts of stories for me. The other night we were laying in bed. I thought he was already asleep for the night and in a sleepy little voice he said, "Mama! I forgot to tell you. The teacher said, 'who can be bathroom leader?' and she said, 'Isaac can because he has been sitting criss cross applesauce all morning and listening so well!" I was so proud of him! Today bathroom leader, tomorrow the world! He has been very interested in writing and I have had to put my computer paper up high so he has to ask for it because he has been going through it like crazy, practicing his letters.

Isaac asked for a Bible the other day, and that was one thing I certainly was not going to say no to! We went to the Christian Book Store on Saturday and went Bible shopping. There are SO many Bibles for children to choose from. I finally found one that I liked, and of course he had found one that HE liked, so we walked away from the store with two Bibles. Anyway, it has been his new favorite thing (he gets attached to different things for a span of like three days where he takes his beloved possession with him everywhere)-he has been sleeping with it at night and everything. He had to take it with him to church today because "that is what daddy does." All weekend he has been "reading" me various scriptures, which are bits of Bible stories he has heard mixed in with just a little bit of Isaac's own spin. It makes for very interesting Bible stories. He has been learning real Bible verses at AWANAS through our church-which he loves going to.

I was thinking today as I looked at Graham and Isaac about how we are all born with so much possibility. I look at them and think that they could do just about anything in the world they want to, and its so exciting to see what they will become.

Dave started working from home a few days before the baby was born, which will enable us to move to ND in the next few months. We are really looking forward to moving home. We both tend to be a bit more homesick on Sundays when we know that would usually be a day we are with our family. We usually go out to eat on Sunday after church and just sort of stare at each other over the table, both wishing we were there with our family.

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