Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The election is one week away. It seemed like it would never arrive, and now that it is finally almost here, I find myself becoming more discouraged with every passing day. If you believe the polls (which I generally do not put a lot of stock in), a McCain/Palin supporter could be led to believe it is over. And if that is true, we could be on the cusp of an America we barely recognize. An America where even the most basic rights under the constitution (the right to life, the right to freedom of speech, the right to bear arms) would be in jeopardy. Its not about political issues anymore. Its about righteousness and our basic freedoms. The very foundation our country was built upon is being jeopardized. I am only 32 years old and I never dreamed I would live to see a day where this sort of thing is happening in our country. If someone dares say something against Barack Obama, they are investigated and defamed. This scares me to death. Things are moving so fast. I wonder what sort of world my children will be living in. Am I preparing them for what is to come? Am I prepared? How can my prayers really make a difference in the larger scheme of world events? All these questions have been bumping around in my ahead and fear has been gripping my heart.
But then I remembered whose side I am on. My prayers are not my own. I have the power of the creator of the universe dwelling in me, and he makes sense of my jumbled and inadequate prayers. As believers in Christ, we need to wake up. Its not too late for prayer. This morning I took some time to pray for our country, something I should have been doing long before now (instead of being afraid). I did not pray for John McCain to win. I did pray that God's will would be accomplished and that, no matter what, Christians would be given the strength to endure anything we may have to go through in the future. That is all I can do, and that is more than enough. The scripture I believe He has given me through all of this is:
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO." Deuteronomy 31:6.

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