Monday, March 30, 2009

Red Envelope Day

This is such a worthy cause, and I had planned on participating. Today I remembered that I was going to do this, and because the deadline is tonight, I didn't have time to go buy any red envelopes (I don't think much is open around here anyway). So instead, I decided to just color a couple of envelopes red with Isaac's markers. I knew he would find me doing this, and ask what I was doing, so I was bracing myself. How do you explain abortion to a five year old? I thought it was important for him to know, and to also realize at a young age that we still live in a country where our voices can be heard (at least until the president and congress complete their all-out takeover of our country anyway!). So, I did my best to tell him that some mommies decide they don't want their babies and they go to a doctor who kills the baby when it is still in the mommy's tummy. I also explained that our president thinks this is OK, and that people who don't think it's OK are sending red envelopes to him to tell him to stop. He absorbed all this for a moment, and then said, "You could have done that to me." I took him in my arms and told him I would have never, ever in a thousand years done that to him. And then I thought about all the little ones that would never get a chance to say "You could have done that to me" to their mamas.
It is not too late to participate. Go here for information.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

We have not floated away yet! So far, predictions for our area have been really good. We are feeling very thankful that we bought the house that we did. There were a couple of houses that we looked seriously at, and they are probably flooded right now! Things have been very stressful here...when you go out, you can see the tension on people's faces. There are so many uncertainties and "what-if's" hanging over everyone's head like a black cloud. On top of it all, winter continues to drone on and on and on. Not only is it tough on my kids (they long to run around outside in the sun!), but it's been extremely difficult for my dad and brother during their calving season. You just want to scream, "ENOUGH ALREADY!" But, we know we still serve a God who is completely in control. He does not take his eyes off of us even for a second, nor does he sleep.
With all this indoor time, with nothing to do but watch local flood coverage non-stop, I have been doing lots of scrapbooking! Here are a few of my favorite layouts. Click on them to enlarge.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Today was big brother's turn for a photo shoot

I have been trying to get comfortable with my new camera before my upcoming photo shoots. I think my kids are about ready to PUKE when they see me drag out "the camera" now. But I have to say, they have been really good about it this week. Once I am past my experimentation phase, I am going to give them a break for awhile!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

for a few seconds at a time anyway!). Loving my new camera so far!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snow Day

We are dreaming of Spring around seems forever away today.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I recently heard a friend discuss how, every year she is able to identify a "theme" or primary Bible verse God gives her specifically for that year. I think He probably does the same for all believers, but we (I) are (am) not tuned-in enough to the things of Him to hear what it is. So, I have been thinking and praying about what my theme/motto would be for this year, and what verse he is giving me to claim for 2009. It hasn't taken long for me to identify a motto that has been echoing in my head for the past two or three months. That motto is, "Give yourself permission to learn!" I am not sure where it comes from, but I have always felt like I needed to know exactly what I am doing at exactly the right time. The last couple of years, it has become painfully evident to me that there are more times that I DON'T know the answers than times that I do. However, I have learned that in the times that we don't have answers, we strive to learn the answers, and we are ultimately the better for it. In every area of my life this year, I want to give myself the permission to not have the answers, to be constantly learning more, and to live by faith and the light He gives me for this day, and not worry about what I won't know tomorrow.
I have prayed about a verse, and there is one that has spoken directly to my heart so many times in the past couple of months. I am not sure it is exactly the one He has given me, but for now, I feel as though this is "THE" verse. It is Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous? Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
I recently learned that the command most given to us in the Bible is "Do not be afraid." There are SO many reasons for me to be afraid right now. I am afraid of Dave losing his job. I am afraid of what would happen and where we would go if he did. I am afraid (terrified actually) of this new administration and all of the changes that could happen within our country. I am afraid that I will never be "good enough" to do what I most want to do. I am afraid I am not a good enough mom. And on and on and on. But, there is a reason God tells us not to be afraid. What it must do to His heart when he sees the whole picture and then sees our doubt and fear. Oh, to have a faith that didn't have room for fear! He will be with us wherever we go, and there is such POWER in that, we just have to believe it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I was excited to find an email from Ria of Fargo's Rialee Photography in my inbox yesterday. She was very gracious and gave me a compliment about my photography that made my day. Thanks Ria!

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