Monday, March 30, 2009

Red Envelope Day

This is such a worthy cause, and I had planned on participating. Today I remembered that I was going to do this, and because the deadline is tonight, I didn't have time to go buy any red envelopes (I don't think much is open around here anyway). So instead, I decided to just color a couple of envelopes red with Isaac's markers. I knew he would find me doing this, and ask what I was doing, so I was bracing myself. How do you explain abortion to a five year old? I thought it was important for him to know, and to also realize at a young age that we still live in a country where our voices can be heard (at least until the president and congress complete their all-out takeover of our country anyway!). So, I did my best to tell him that some mommies decide they don't want their babies and they go to a doctor who kills the baby when it is still in the mommy's tummy. I also explained that our president thinks this is OK, and that people who don't think it's OK are sending red envelopes to him to tell him to stop. He absorbed all this for a moment, and then said, "You could have done that to me." I took him in my arms and told him I would have never, ever in a thousand years done that to him. And then I thought about all the little ones that would never get a chance to say "You could have done that to me" to their mamas.
It is not too late to participate. Go here for information.

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