Monday, December 10, 2007

Some odds and ends from our life...

We just started solids last week, and Graham LOVES it! I am hoping he will be a better eater than Isaac. If the first bite is any indication, I'd say we're off to a good start because Isaac hated his first bite of rice cereal. Graham absolutely INHALES his food. He looks like a little hamster-he sort of hunches over and grabs the spoon with both hands and scrunches his little nose and slurps it out of the spoon. It is a total body experience for him, as you can see in the picture above! He's so cute!

Here's a couple recent funny Isaac stories:

*We celebrated our Christmas early on Saturday because we will be leaving next Friday to be with our family. Isaac LOVED all of his presents from his mom and dad. One of the things we got him is a real acoustic guitar for kids. After we got done opening gifts, we heard him strumming away on his guitar singing, "I love my parents, I love my parents..."

*Isaac came up to me the other day and showed me his little plastic pig from his farm set floating in a bowl of water with a couple of rocks. He said, "I put my pig in this water, do you know why?" When I said, "why?" he said, "because its his natural habitat."

*Isaac came running downstairs from his room and excitedly said, "Mama! we're having circle time! Come see!" I proceeded to go up to his room and found all of his little stuffed animals sitting on the baby's washrags in a circle (at his preschool the kids sit in a circle on carpet squares during circle time).

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