Sunday, February 3, 2008

So are the Days of our Lives

Isaac came home from preschool on Friday and had the following conversation with me:

Isaac: Mommy, I have to tell you something I don't want to tell you.

Mom: What?

Isaac: Grant is Merci's boyfriend at school.

Mom: (laughing) really?

Isaac: Yes, and now I have to come up with a plan.

Mom: (still laughing) what kind of plan?

Isaac: A plan to break them up.

Mom (still laughing) Why?

Isaac: Because Grant is my best friend and now he will like Merci better than me and I don't want them to love each other anymore.

Oh my, and so the drama begins...

*Graham has been really sick for the first time (bad cold and cough) for the past few days and mama is in need of a break!! He WILL NOT SLEEP and this is getting old to all of us!! I plan to take him to the doctor tomorrow if he doesn't miraculously become better over the next few hours.

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