Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Graham's latest moves

Graham has been doing lots of new fun things lately. He has recently mastered going from a laying down position to sitting up, and he is right on the verge of crawling. He gets a little frustrated because he wants to crawl SO bad and just can't quite get it yet. For his sake, I hope he learns soon. I am pretty sure it will be within the next week or two. For now, he gets everywhere he wants to by scooting himself there. It is so cute to watch his pudgy little body scoot its way from point A to point B.

As always, I had to include a video of him giggling because it is the most precious sound in the whole world!

1 comment:

  1. Liz, I don't know what Dave looked like as a baby, but when I see Graham, he just reminds me of baby pics I've seen of you. Such a precious little guy! Enjoyed the entries for Isaac as well...cannot believe how big he is getting. I can always count on a smile when I visit your website. :)


    p.s. I'm still praying for you guys...hope His plan is revealed to you soon.


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