Sunday, January 11, 2009

A new year's resolution

As many of you know, last year was a rough year for us. There were many transitions and lots of uncertainty. When we finally got settled in our new home, I started to feel, well...restless. I am not sure how else to define what I was feeling. I felt like I wanted to create, or to do something new. For a few months I went back and forth, trying to decide what to DO with my life, and this restless energy I felt continued to build. I took a look at the things I truly enjoyed doing in life. Almost at the top of that list was photographing my children. I dreamed and thought and thought and dreamed. I heard stories about others who had the same ambitions I did. Then, the new year came. I felt as though this was my year to DO something new. I made a resolution that I would.
So now, I am undertaking a new journey, and I have named it "Resolutions Photography," the name deriving from not only a photography term, but my own new year's resolution.
I don't know if I will have many clients, or just one. I do know I love doing what I am about to do, and that is all that matters to me.
Take a moment to visit my new site. Just click on "check out my photography blog" on the right hand side of this posting. Or, click on "resolutions photography" on my blog list.

Thanks for visiting!

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