Monday, February 9, 2009

Can I be honest? I have been a bad mama today. A really bad mama. Don't make excuses for me and don't tell me everyone has days like today. I have been inexcusably bad, and I need to make amends. I was over-tired today, after staying up way too late editing photos. I know I am very short tempered when I don't get enough sleep. That alone should have been enough to send me to my bed by 10:30 last night. After being probably completely exasperating to my children, I exploded at baby Graham after he broke one of my photography light bulbs (which contained mercury). I was so frustrated because it was the millionth time today he had gotten into something, and this time, I had a mercury spill to clean up. I was exhausted, and I didn't know the first thing about cleaning up a mercury spill. I started to yell at Graham. Then, I looked down and saw fear in his eyes. Not that good, healthy sort of fear that is appropriate when a child gets into trouble, but that "I am scared of you" fear. I felt terrible. How do you apologize to a 20 month old?
About an hour later, after spending time playing with Isaac in order to attempt to make up for my horrible mood, I made Graham a bottle and sat with him in our big rocker. As I held him, I fell in love with him again. His soft skin, his big, clear eyes (so full of innocence), his little baby smell. Everything. I know I have been too preoccupied with other things. Things that don't matter. All that matters is my sweet boys. I know I have been completely off track to have forgotten the bliss that comes from snuggling my baby.
And then I realized something. God had used this terrible day, and my terrible attitude, to bring me back to ground zero with my babies. I am completely, overwhelmingly, all-consumingly in love with my little boys once again.


  1. You are so precious.

  2. Mama said there'd be days like this...there'd be days like this mama says!
    Don't sweat it, we've all been there(minus the mercury)!


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