Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I have been feeling a bit sorry for myself lately. But, God used a little project Isaac made at AWANAS to speak to my heart the other day. The project was a little book he had put together called "My prayer journal." Here are the words on each page, and they pretty much sum it all up, don't they?
"I want to keep from doing wrong."
"I am thankful for our home, food and clothes."
"I should be kind to others."
"I want to do what God wants me to do."
"I give praise to God!"
Sometimes when life gets too complicated, God needs to bring us back to the basics of our faith. What a great reminder for me!

1 comment:

  1. I often think that is why God gave us Children, as a tangible reminder that that is how we should approach Him. When life gets complicated my children rarely fail to help put it in perspective with their innocent views.


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