Sunday, February 1, 2009

Little ones, big words

Graham has been jabbering up a storm lately! At his last doctor's appointment, I happened to mention to the doctor that I was concerned he didn't seem to be talking a whole lot. The doctor was not concerned, and said we would wait and see what his vocabulary consisted of at two years. Well, I think Graham got into the car that day, and on our ride home he decided to prove me wrong. In the couple of weeks since then, it seems as though his vocabulary has exploded! Here's a list of all he says at 20 months old: mama, mommy, dada, papa, gramma, puppy, Isaac, eat, out, no, no-no, no-thanks, bye-bye, ba-ba (bottle), boo-boo (for his "blankie-boo-boo"), nye-nye (good night), shoe, sock, elmo, yes, drink, pop, horse, elephant (seriously, I heard it!), all-done, hot, up. There are probably more, but I can't think of them at the moment. He has also started stringing simple sentences together (mama, all done!).
Isaac has been growing by leaps and bounds lately too. He amazes his grandma and papa all the time with the "brilliant" things he does and says. He has always had quite an extensive vocabulary, but lately it seems he has been using more and more big words (and he uses them correctly!). I can't wait to see how God might use his gift of gab someday!

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